Working at behind a desk and computer all day might sound like low-impact, but low sedimentary careers like tech and accounting might mean serious neck and back pain. But did you know a visit to your local chiropractor isn’t just for sports injuries.
Apex Spine and Performance is the close-at-hand solution, offering chiropractic care for more than just sports. Located in downtown Zanesville, OH, which is just a short drive from Dresden, Gratiot, or New Concord if you don’t live right in town.
Care on the leading edge.
Dr. Ryan Weaver, offers pain relief services to your everyday worker to your ultramarathon athlete, pregnant soon to be mom, and even kids. Each of these specialties offers a variety of treatments and therapies which can be combined to create personalized care, addressing individual patients’ needs effectively.
With myriad options for treatment in one clinic, your Apex chiropractor can call on therapeutic options you might otherwise have to travel all the way to Columbus for. Our 360˚ model offers all local residents a neighborhood option that brings them outstanding, diversified care under one roof.
Evidence-based therapies.
Chiropractors may be able to help office workers by working to resolve problems with misalignment and issues surrounding stiff joints. As well as performing procedures designed to fix the root of pain related to prolonged sitting, chiropractors may also teach patients about how to reduce the chances that the pain will come back with special self-care strategies.
What office workers should expect when visiting a chiropractor
During your appointment, your chiropractor is likely to ask a number of questions about your lifestyle and the way that you tend to position yourself at your desk. They may test variables such as muscle strength and flexibility to tailor their advice for your specific body type and capabilities.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation.