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Category: Office

We All Have “Text Neck!”

Cell phone neck pain, also known as “text neck” or “tech neck,” is a growing problem in today’s digital age. With the increasing use of smartphones and other digital devices, people are spending more and more time looking down at screens, which can lead to pain and discomfort in the neck and shoulders. The main […]

Did You Know Chiropractic Care Can Help Office Keyboard Warriors?

Hand pain is a common problem among office workers, particularly those who spend a lot of time typing or using a mouse. The repetitive motions and awkward positioning of these tasks can lead to pain and discomfort in the hands, wrists, and forearms. If you are experiencing hand pain as an office worker, it is […]

Can Standing All Day Actually Hurt You?

Sitting around all day may sound relaxing, but anyone who works a desk job can likely tell you otherwise. Excessive sitting is surprisingly stressful to both the spine and lower extremities, which can cause joint restrictions that create back pain and discomfort. Those restricted joints can also lead to a host of other problems, including improper joint […]

Do Your Joints Hurt?

The human body has several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints and saddle joints. Considering the complex mechanisms that go into to making it all work together, it’s little wonder that joint pain is a big issue in society. Oswego chiropractors treat cases relating to joint pain on […]

Office Workers Shouldn’t Neglect Self-Care.

Dr. Ryan Weaver, offers pain relief services to your everyday worker to your ultramarathon athlete, pregnant soon to be mom, and even kids. Each of these specialties offers a variety of treatments and therapies which can be combined to create personalized care, addressing individual patients’ needs effectively.

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