Apex Zanesville - Blog

Author: Ryan Weaver

Must Know Chiropractic Care Benefits for Teachers

Being a teacher can be a physically demanding job. Teachers often have to stand for several hours a day giving lectures, tend to small children’s needs, and spend several hours a day sitting while grading papers and creating lesson plans.  Whether you’re an elementary school teacher or college professor, the physical requirements that educators face […]

Headaches, We All Have Them.

Being able to think clearly and calmly allows us to make decisions, process emotions, and carry on with our day-to-day lives. That clarity can be easily destroyed with a strong headache. Many people have occasional headaches, but frequent headaches that affect your ability to sleep or get on with your day can be disabling.

Can Standing All Day Actually Hurt You?

Sitting around all day may sound relaxing, but anyone who works a desk job can likely tell you otherwise. Excessive sitting is surprisingly stressful to both the spine and lower extremities, which can cause joint restrictions that create back pain and discomfort. Those restricted joints can also lead to a host of other problems, including improper joint […]

Do Your Joints Hurt?

The human body has several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints and saddle joints. Considering the complex mechanisms that go into to making it all work together, it’s little wonder that joint pain is a big issue in society. Oswego chiropractors treat cases relating to joint pain on […]

Whether Casual or Competitive, It’s Running Season.

If you’re like over 53 million other Americans, running is your sport of choice. And whether you hit the trails, hills, treadmill, or any other surface indoors or out, research shows that you can gain some advantages simply by engaging in regular chiropractic care. Apex Spine and Performance works with many runners in our downtown office and the scientific literature on chiropractic affirms that we see with our patients.

Does Your Kid Play Youth Sports?

When you or your child first visit our chiropractor, we will perform a physical exam to look for the root cause of your pain or injury. After a diagnosis, we will make a customized treatment plan for you. We provide spinal adjustments, which realign the spine and body to alleviate pain and tension. Our chiropractor will also give you physical therapy exercises to speed up your recovery.

Headaches. Nobody wants them, and nobody needs them.

Headaches are such a common problem that they account for the largest majority of over the counter pain medication sales. What if there was a way to reduce your headache’s intensity and frequency naturally, without all the potentially harmful side effects? Chiropractic care can help.

Cold Weather May Lead to Chronic Pain.

With the cold weather already creeping in this fall, you may start to notice changes in your joints and muscles as well as intensified chronic pain. Many people often wonder if there is a direct connection between the cold weather and their chronic pain.

Office Workers Shouldn’t Neglect Self-Care.

Dr. Ryan Weaver, offers pain relief services to your everyday worker to your ultramarathon athlete, pregnant soon to be mom, and even kids. Each of these specialties offers a variety of treatments and therapies which can be combined to create personalized care, addressing individual patients’ needs effectively.

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